Birdwood Boutique Estate Pretoria (Tshwane) Gastehuis AkkommodasieInligting.

Gesamentlik bied hierdie plekke hul eie spesiale en gewilde gediversifiseerde vermaak en Gauteng dinge om te doen, insluitend restaurante, gholfbane, staproetes, winkelsentrums en baie meer.

Bespreek nou by Birdwood Boutique Estate Pretoria (Tshwane) Gastehuis Akkommodasie.

Nestled in the hills surrounding Pretoria, Birdwood Boutique Estsate provides a refuge from the urban hustle of the capital. Within this Jacaranda-lined setting stands a gracious villa, a landmark of elegance and tranquillity dating from the turn-of-the-century.

The doors of Birdwood Boutique Estate are open to discerning travellers seeking a home-from-home in the classic-style. We are situated within walking distance of 30 embassies and the Hatfield Shopping Centre. Soaring molded ceilings, period wooden doors and windows, stained glass, antique furniture and an imposing staircase give the cheerful Birdwood interior a warm glow.

The elegant settings of the Birdwood dining room are enhanced by silver, crystal and bone china with unpretentious quality. Dishes are prepared with the finest quality ingredients, all served with flair and personal attention. The room rate includes a full English and Continental breakfast. Lunch and dinner is served on request, and are individually prepared by our in-house chef. All special dietary requirements can be catered for by arrangement.

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Verblyf in Gauteng

Bakgat Verblyf bevorder 'n uitstekende verskeidenheid Gautengakkommodasie. Gebruik ons Gauteng soek-fasiliteit nou om te kyk na alle soorte akkommodasie, insluitend gastehuis-, bed en ontbyt-, hotel- en selfsorg-akkommodasie in Gauteng en omstreke. Resultate sluit in goedkoop verblyf in die wye verskeidenheid promosies wat aangebied word in Gauteng. Beste pryse word deur die eienaar gewaarborg vir sowel begroting- en luukse-opsies.

Birdwood Boutique Estateverblyf is geleƫ in Gauteng. Gewilde verblyfplekke is ook beskikbaar in lekker slaap plekke met dieselfde geografiese samestelling as Birdwood Boutique Estate: Arcadia, Pretoria (Tshwane), Gauteng, Noord-Oostelike Streek, Magalies Kronkel Pad, Suid Afrika .