Gesamentlik bied hierdie plekke hul eie spesiale en gewilde gediversifiseerde vermaak en Kwazulu Natal dinge om te doen, insluitend restaurante, gholfbane, staproetes, winkelsentrums en baie meer.
BP Backpackers offers comfortable accommodation nestled at the foot of Durban Harbour, with beautiful ocean views, BP Backpackers, offers a friendly atmosphere and simplistic style.
The facility has been modified as part of a fully functioning Sea Scout Base to allow for accommodation to the public. The old barracks quarters have been revived into modern rooms that cater towards the modern day traveller.
There is a Dormitory Room and a Private Double Room available, each equipped with air-conditioning and a DIY tea and coffee station. All linen and bath towels are provided.
Facilities include a free Wi-Fi, a fully equipped kitchen, laundry services on request and a braai area. The Wilson’s Wharf is only a stone’s throw away, with an array of restaurants to choose from and a local theatre.
Please note that BP Backpackers is located on a Sea Scout Base which is alcohol free at all times.
Bakgat Verblyf bevorder 'n uitstekende verskeidenheid Kwazulu Natalakkommodasie. Gebruik ons Kwazulu Natal soek-fasiliteit nou om te kyk na alle soorte akkommodasie, insluitend gastehuis-, bed en ontbyt-, hotel- en selfsorg-akkommodasie in Kwazulu Natal en omstreke. Resultate sluit in goedkoop verblyf in die wye verskeidenheid promosies wat aangebied word in Kwazulu Natal. Beste pryse word deur die eienaar gewaarborg vir sowel begroting- en luukse-opsies.
BP Backpackersverblyf is geleë in Kwazulu Natal. Gewilde verblyfplekke is ook beskikbaar in lekker slaap plekke met dieselfde geografiese samestelling as BP Backpackers: Durban-Sentraal, Durban, Durban Metro, KwaZulu-Natal, N2, Suid Afrika .