Gesamentlik bied hierdie plekke hul eie spesiale en gewilde gediversifiseerde vermaak en Mpumalanga dinge om te doen, insluitend restaurante, gholfbane, staproetes, winkelsentrums en baie meer.
The Highland Rose Country House can be found in the enchanting village of Dullstroom, on the Mpumalanga Highveld. The house is set in a magnificent formal garden, complete with water fountains and a koi pond frequently visited by indigenous birds.The carefully renovated homestead exudes an aura of authenticity, with its Oregon pine beams, ceilings and exquisite stained glass windows blended with tastefully decorated interiors. The lovely rose garden, which gave Highland Rose its name, leads to stylishly decorated bedrooms, each individually furnished. With its luxurious facilities and excellent service, The Highland Rose is recognized as one of the finest establishments in the region.
Bakgat Verblyf bevorder 'n uitstekende verskeidenheid Mpumalangaakkommodasie. Gebruik ons Mpumalanga soek-fasiliteit nou om te kyk na alle soorte akkommodasie, insluitend gastehuis-, bed en ontbyt-, hotel- en selfsorg-akkommodasie in Mpumalanga en omstreke. Resultate sluit in goedkoop verblyf in die wye verskeidenheid promosies wat aangebied word in Mpumalanga. Beste pryse word deur die eienaar gewaarborg vir sowel begroting- en luukse-opsies.
Highland Rose Country House & Serenity Spaverblyf is geleƫ in Mpumalanga. Gewilde verblyfplekke is ook beskikbaar in lekker slaap plekke met dieselfde geografiese samestelling as Highland Rose Country House & Serenity Spa: Dullstroom, Hoogland Kronkelroete, Mpumalanga, Suid Afrika .