Gesamentlik bied hierdie plekke hul eie spesiale en gewilde gediversifiseerde vermaak en Namibia dinge om te doen, insluitend restaurante, gholfbane, staproetes, winkelsentrums en baie meer.
Bush Babies self catering accommodation is situated in Central Swakopmund, just a few minutes' walk from the main beach area as well as the town centre with i's shopping facilities, leisure activities and amenities. Accommodation is offered in the Main House with flat and five separate cottages.
The fully self-catering apartments guarantee privacy and security. The rustic and comfortable atmosphere that Bush Babies' Inn offers is the ultimate in true Namibian-style accommodation. Whether for business or pleasure, Bush Babies' Inn has something for everyone.
Bakgat Verblyf bevorder 'n uitstekende verskeidenheid Namibiaakkommodasie. Gebruik ons Namibia soek-fasiliteit nou om te kyk na alle soorte akkommodasie, insluitend gastehuis-, bed en ontbyt-, hotel- en selfsorg-akkommodasie in Namibia en omstreke. Resultate sluit in goedkoop verblyf in die wye verskeidenheid promosies wat aangebied word in Namibia. Beste pryse word deur die eienaar gewaarborg vir sowel begroting- en luukse-opsies.
Bushbabies Innverblyf is geleƫ in Namibia. Gewilde verblyfplekke is ook beskikbaar in lekker slaap plekke met dieselfde geografiese samestelling as Bushbabies Inn: Swakopmund, Swakopmund Coast, Namib Streek, Erongo, Namibia, Suid Afrika .