Elke's Guesthouse Nieu Bethesda Selfsorg AkkommodasieInligting.

Gesamentlik bied hierdie plekke hul eie spesiale en gewilde gediversifiseerde vermaak en Oos Kaap dinge om te doen, insluitend restaurante, gholfbane, staproetes, winkelsentrums en baie meer.

Bespreek nou by Elke's Guesthouse Nieu Bethesda Selfsorg Akkommodasie.

Sunshine pours into this spacious self-catering house on the northern edge of Nieu Bethesda. Elke's Guesthouse has great views of the Compassberg and surrounding Sneeuberg Mountains from the bedrooms, the lounge area and garden.

The guest house consists of two fireplaces, two bedrooms of which one is en-suite, a well-equipped open-plan kitchen, a dining area, a lounge area and a large garden with braai facilities. Elke's can accommodate up to six guests comfortably and pets are welcome by arrangement. Accommodation in Nieu Bethesda is both comfortable, quirky and offers all you need to make your stay memorable.

Life in Nieu Bethesda potters along much as it did 130 years ago, when the village was founded. Stone water furrows still line the wide, dusty streets. Night skycaps are unpolluted by streetlights and the air is still fresh and clean.

Nieu Bethesda has a working network of furrows, with water supplied daily from a spring on the plateau above the village. Residents channel water into their gardens using smaller gated funnels. Visitors can hike ...

Verblyf in Oos Kaap

Bakgat Verblyf bevorder 'n uitstekende verskeidenheid Oos Kaapakkommodasie. Gebruik ons Oos Kaap soek-fasiliteit nou om te kyk na alle soorte akkommodasie, insluitend gastehuis-, bed en ontbyt-, hotel- en selfsorg-akkommodasie in Oos Kaap en omstreke. Resultate sluit in goedkoop verblyf in die wye verskeidenheid promosies wat aangebied word in Oos Kaap. Beste pryse word deur die eienaar gewaarborg vir sowel begroting- en luukse-opsies.

Elke's Guesthouseverblyf is geleƫ in Oos Kaap. Gewilde verblyfplekke is ook beskikbaar in lekker slaap plekke met dieselfde geografiese samestelling as Elke's Guesthouse: Nieu Bethesda, Karoo Hartland, Oos-Kaap, Suid Afrika .